Terms of Use

The Terms of Use govern the use of this site and the content contained within it. When you use this site, you agree that you have read the Terms of Service and that you accept and will be bound by the terms set forth in this document, as well as any terms that may be updated from time to time.

Unless otherwise stated, all material, pictures, music, design, whitepapers, and other works on the site are the property of DLAI.All rights reserved.
Content on the site includes, but is not limited to, webinars, podcasts, research and whitepapers for personal use only, which may be downloaded as long as the information is maintained intact and no copyrights, trademarks, or other property rights are violated. Any alteration of the information or use of the material on the site for any other purpose is a violation of the copyright of DLAI and / or its partners or of its third-party information providers. Without the prior consent of DLAI, this material may not be duplicated, reproduced, reprinted, uploaded, posted, communicated, or distributed in any way for non-personal use. DLAI retains the right to change the conditions of any service at any time and without notice. 

DLAI maintains the right to take any and all steps required to prohibit access to any service or to terminate service if the conditions of use are not followed or are violated, or if any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual right is violated. DLAI reserves the right to modify these terms of use with additional terms applicable to specific content at any time (additional terms). These additional terms are incorporated by reference into these Terms of Service.